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How to use


  1. Select your avatar and select from menubar [ GameObject ] → [ NuguminTool ] → [ NuguminTool Config ] or [ Component ] → [ NuguminTool ] → [ NuguminTool Config ]
  2. Set Avatar Root to your avatar (if it is not set)
  3. [ Select Folder ] would change your Export Directory
  4. [ Unpack Prefab ] would unpack prefab on Nugumin!, literally, if checked
  5. Avatar is modularized per material by default. Mesh to module mappings can be configured below.
    • [ + ] Create new module with checked meshes
    • [ ↑ ] Merge checked meshes into module above
    • [ ↓ ] Merge checked meshes into module below
  6. Press [ Nugumin! ] when all configurations are set